Friday, November 22, 2013

A Day in the Life of my 6 month old

  I should start by apologizing for the many months I have let go by between posts- but then I thought, I probably lost all my followers anyway, so I will spare myself and anyone else reading this the excuses.  But seriously, having a baby, having a c-section, moving across country when said baby is 7 weeks old to a place I had never even visited...crazy stuff...but I admit that I LOVE my life here in Oklahoma!  I am so glad my husband dragged moved me here and it has been a wonderful experience so far.  All that said today my little peanut turned 6 months today.  It is really really hard to believe I have been a mom for half a year.  It feels like I just found out the amazing news that "it's a boy" and here I am with a 6 month old.  I will now make up for so many months of no pictures with a TON that show my little guy and all he does in his exciting, precious life. 

 Here are some of the things he is "into" right now- he just started to eat oatmeal and he LOVES it!
He has so much fun playing with his toys and reading his "indestructibles" books that he can chew and it won't rip.  His rubber duckie is his favorite toy.  :-)  But he likes a variety of toys.  Of course, he is not really that excited about all his cute clothes, but he does like to eat the one I pick out for him before I get him in it.
 So today is the 22nd of November- Poppy's 6 month birthday.  Today was the first snow I have seen since I moved here, so Daddy started a nice, cozy fire for us.  We couldn't leave magic out- so I thought I would snap a shot of him...then he proceeded to photo bomb tons of other pictures so he definitely made his presence known. :-) He is such a good guardian to baby Peter- if I leave the room for a minute, he will lay by the baby, protecting him until I return.  They are going to be great friends!
 So, I actually started following him around with my camera right before his nap at noon.
Here my little man is all swaddled and ready for a nap.  He didn't love the idea of a photo shoot at this exact moment- thus the tears in his eyes.  He loves his room very dark...and then he is off to sleep.
Sweet dreams, little man. Zzzzzzz....

 Oh, how thankful I am for this sweet little bundle. He has always been a pretty good sleeper.
He still likes to be swaddled, and loves to have his sleep sheet play "rain." He has grown out of his paci recently, he doesn't take it to fall asleep anymore. 

 Here he is "calling Mommy" :-)
Somehow he managed to get a sock off- he is just like me, we like to be barefoot!

 Here he is with Daddy's special bear for him- it used to be almost as big as him.  
After a few minutes, he wasn't too thrilled to be playing with his bear anymore, because he really wanted to eat his lunch. 

 Nom nom nom
He is up to eating 6 ounces at a time, plus cereal...he's a growing boy!
He is over 14 pounds now...that's a long way from the 6 lbs 5 oz he started at!

 Daddy was having a sweet time with our lovebug while he ate his lunch. 
I love watching the two of them together. He is such a Daddy's boy!

   Play Time! He can roll both ways now- tummy to back and back to tummy.  He just started the back to tummy a week ago- he did it for the 2nd time in front of Grandpa Montoro.

"ummm....mommy...the doggy is kissing my bald head..."

 I love this thing that he does with his lips when he pulls them in like that. 
He usually does that and then starts blowing spit bubbles.
Such talent! ;)
 Hands are just the neatest thing ever invented...or maybe toes. 
It's hard to pick! PJUM is fascinated by his hands and feet. :)

     Some of the best times in the life of my 6 month old are times spent with Daddy.  
Today happened to be his day off, and even though he had a lot of studying to do he still took time to snuggle and play with his boy.

   He is standing well- it won't be long before he will able to do it himself!
He looks so grown up here- he is a tall 25 1/2 inch bundle of cuteness.


 Spending some quiet time in his bouncy seat with his favorite toys-
He's a pro with his books! 

We love to play in front of the mirror together! He has just started realizing that it is him in the mirror so he makes crazy faces and watches himself.  It is such a fun part of our day.

 After that got boring, we found out Daddy was available to read with.  
Cozy, cozy.

 After so many pictures of my sweetie Petey enjoying guy time, I figured it was time to get *me* in some of the pics...seeing our typical day is a lot of mommy and son time. 
Of course we spend lots of time in a typical day getting in and out of dirty things.


This picture makes me laugh- what a face!! 
I have noticed that his sense of humor has really started to develop.
His favorite game is peek a boo right now- it always makes him giggle.
Guess what time it is now?
 He has loved water and bath time since his first one. 
It always makes him happy and sleepy- that's a combination that makes a mommy happy, too!


 Of course, everything must be sampled for possible deliciousness!
Mmmmm....soapy washcloth.  Yummy!
 All clean!

 Since it's been cold he doesn't see his toes as often as he wishes he did 
because he usually has socks on- 
but he LOVES when he can see them.  Hard to decide what to play with next...

Should I eat my ducky?
Or my toes???
 The tough decisions a 6 month old faces!

 Next up- now he is in his jammies, and it's time for some oatmeal and pears! 
He eats like a champ, even though he just started a few days ago.  
I love taking the time to talk to him and teach him new words 
and watch his reaction to this new stage in his little life.
It is amazing how they change from one day to the next- 
I am marveling at how fearfully and wonderfully they are created!
I love, love, love being a Mommy and even though there are some rough moments where I wish I had a "manual," I wouldn't trade my job for the world! I have thought a lot about my last post- realizing it was the letter I wrote to my little one when I was not sure what the MRI prognosis would be back in April.  I am so grateful that here I am with my healthy, happy baby.  
I know I would have been given the grace if that was not the situation, but I am eternally thankful that the Lord saw fit to give us this "perfect to us" little one.

Ending our blessed day with a Bible story-
We love this book that has set to rhyme the Bible's theme.
He will be reading it to me before I know it!

Night Night Bottle and a last little game of peek-a-boo

Being 6 months old is a lot of work!
He needs his sleep!
See you in the morning, little one!


  1. Keith and I just read that together. Keith thicks the mirror pics are cool and doesnt believe poppers likes baths... said his face looks like almost a whine. Bkk

    1. The slightly bothered face during his bath is because we kept calling his name and making him look away from the water. Usually he happily sits and stares at the water coming out of the faucet. :)

  2. This is amazing! I love all these photos! And his laughing and smiling during peekaboo is absolutely precious. I laughed when you wrote that everything must be sampled for "possible deliciousness." And the reading time is adorable. And magic kissing his head! Funny! I'm so happy for you, and so happy to get glimpses from afar of a day in the life of Cinco. I too remember those scary moments of not knowing what those medical tests would show, and am so grateful for how healthy he is.

    1. Hi Ashley and Peter,
      I hope this gets to you, as my first attempt did not post. I was thrilled to see all of you and adorable, handsome little Peter. I think he must look like you did as a baby, Ashley. I see a strong resemblance to mommy, although I have never seen Peter's baby pictures :). Your lives sound so full and happy! I was very touched seeing Magic kissing little Peter and delighted to know that Magic guards little Peter so well. He now has a purpose in life and I expect they will be good friends. Have you made friends in the area and do Poppers and Magic play with others too? So glad to be in touch. Send me your address when you get a chance. Love and hugs, Pat

  3. Awww! He is getting SO big! Enjoy every minute of it because I am sure you have already noticed...time flies! :)

  4. I'm not sure if you rememer me or not (Elizabeth Cassidy; I have six sisters. I believe you were pen-pals with my sister Becky.) We met many years ago at Old Paths. Anyway, I've been checking your blog every few weeks to see if you had posted, and I was excited to see that you had updated... and with so many pictures! Your little guy is so cute and getting so big! He looks like a happy baby.


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