Monday, December 8, 2014


In everything give thanks... So happy we have friends that are like family not too far away that we have been able to spend thanksgiving with the last two years. 
Finally got to meet pickles. He was a hit with baby peter!! He couldn't get enough of him. 
Thankfully pickles still wasn't in the seat at this time. This gave me a little glimpse of how he will be when we bring Chloe home. He's so goofy. 
The weather wasn't too bad so the boys all played outside. You can tell who is a firstborn out there. Peter was all bundled and Nathan had short selves and a diaper. Haha. 
We started the preparations the day before. Lesson learned- don't cook the potatoes ahead of time. They were slimy and starchy but I still ate way too many. 
Oh look- another baby seat, perfect to get cozy in and eat my graham cracker. 

These little pieces of manna were the highlight of my week. Pumpkin pie donut from Dunkin. They were sooo good. We made daily runs to get them!! 
Just in case I forgot I was eating for two, we made it official! 
Yummmmmm. Everything was so good. The turkey was smoked and tasted like none other. The mashed potatoes also tasted like none other...but we already covered that. Gravy helped! 
Tradition calls for looking through ads after the feast. 
Then it called for a walk. This little guys first real walk. 1/3rd of a mile! He was so excited! 

My best friend and my baby. My heart melted. 
Speaking of best friend- the walk demanded desserts immediately. Yum. Haha. 
The day of traditions continued with shopping the sales at kohls- love their Black Friday deals!! 
Then we came home and ended the evening with a Sherlock Holmes mystery movie. 
What a special day it was of counting our blessings, feasting, and fun traditions! 
We are so blessed!!! 

1 comment:

  1. What is the temperature like there? I am the same way as far as dressing my kids, lol. Also- that donut looks delish!


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