Friday, September 28, 2012

Bedroom Makeover

 This was our first day in our home- believe it or not, this was after a few hours of work- 
You can see the bed frame was already set up and made.  This was where almost all of our stuff had originally gotten put until we got here.  That corner was all the miscellaneous stuff that didn't have a place until my sweet husband built me a closet. 

 It kind of got worse before it got better- as we were cleaning out some of the other rooms, stuff got dumped in here.  Enter wood, totes, junk, etc...
 After moving that mountain of a pile and frustrating behind the scenes labor, my husband and I stayed up until like 2 AM on labor day assembling the closet.  It was grueling, and I think I wasn't really much help after midnight, (It was also the day I had painted the living room, so I started out pretty tired!) but Peter was determined to finish it.  I'm so glad he did! It fits our stuff perfectly, and has room to grow.  Laundry hampers on the bottom, totes and boxes, Christmas decorations, sewing machines, and everything else fit in our new "closet."

Then a couple days later I painted and hung up some decorations.  
It was so nice to have it in order!  :-)
Here it is finished:

 I love how the bedframe turned out- It came from my Grandpa and Grandma, and it started out like gold metal with rose colored flower balls. Welcome black spray paint and decoupaged damask wrapping paper, and you get this!  I think the total remake cost less than $5.



  1. The closet was a great idea. I love your wall color, too!

    1. Thanks! The color almost happened by accident, I hadn't really thought of gray, but then it just seemed to go with everything. :-)

  2. Very nice! I love how modern it looks. :)


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