Saturday, January 31, 2015

One month of devotions

We decided January first was a perfect day to start including our little guy in family devotion time and also start training him to sit still in his own little chair. It has made for some of the sweetest moments in our day for sure. When we tell him it's Bible time he runs and drags over his little seat, and then mid-month he started wearing his little "bible hat" from Grammy. Then he sits and asks for his Bible from grandma and grandpa Montoro and tries to read it...and sometimes eat it, balance it on his head, etc...
I look forward to the time each night and he has done really well with learning to pay attention. I on the other hand have been distracted by taking pics a few times as you can tell... 😃


  1. So sweet... I remember when we started devotions with a little guy named Daniel... He's 18 now and definitely not little! Enjoy these days, they're fleeting!

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